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<span style="font-style: italic;">&nbsp;</span>1. Lullaby (The Divorce Song)<br />2. Half A Man<br />3. Bitch<br />4. Intro (Gortengar Trail)<br />5. Special<br />6. A Month Dead<br />7. Priest<br />8. Hair<br />9. Intro (Super Karate Monkey Death Car)<br


<span style="font-style: italic;">&nbsp;</span>1. Lullaby (The Divorce Song)<br />2. Half A Man<br />3. Bitch<br />4. Intro (Gortengar Trail)<br />5. Special<br />6. A Month Dead<br />7. Priest<br />8. Hair<br />9. Intro (Super Karate Monkey Death Car)<br